Karmyne, Johanne, Brian, & Nahomie (Mom)

It's more to this than you think...

I know what you are thinking. Another family who is international in the U.S., right?
Well, I am here to tell you...this is not another story like the ones you've heard before.

For three weeks, I get to visit with my friend, Brian and his family! This is no ordinary family. They are a fun, loving family residing in North Kansas City, with an undying passion for their home country: Haiti.

Haiti is beautiful island swinging between Cuba and Africa. Haiti shares land with the Dominican Republic, which is called the Island of Hispaniola.

Nahomie Belleview (mother) left Haiti when she was 14. Since then, she has learned to embrace American culture. Johanne Bellevue (21) is Nahomie's step-daughter, who was born and raised in Haiti. She joined her mom in the U.S a few years ago. Her sons, Brian Jean-Noel (22) and Karmyne Noel (13) are Americans by birth, but Nahomie raised them up to never forget their heritage and its traditions.

Are you ready to travel to a Haitian church, and sit in on the meeting, which is in Creole! How about savor  a traditional Haitian dish? Would you rather dance to Kompa music on a sunny spring day? If you're ready, I want to take you to meet them family, and we will do all of these things together.

Are you ready? Let the journey begin!

--posted April 3rd

Embracing two cultures: The Haitian and The American

 Let's start with the basics.

To begin this journey through the lives of this Haitian family, I will tell you a little about how they live. Find out how this Haitian American family juggles two cultures. There are good times when they are together. There are also bad times when they miss their family in Haiti. See how this family sticks together to keep their traditions alive not only in their Kansas City home, but in their hearts.

Click the link below to view the NARRATIVE SLIDESHOW--->


--posted April 10th

So... What Are They Doing Now?

Last Wednesday, I was given another opportunity to hang out with my friend, Brian, and his family. I interviewed them and asked what was going on in their lives, and where they see their lives in three to five years. 


Please click the picture to listen to the podcast via Soundcloud. You don't want to miss the inside scoop of this duel cultured family! 

--Posted April 16th

Family Reflection: Mom contrasts Haitian Culture to America

She leaned back solemnly, turning her face towards the window. Her eyes traced the windowsill as she scanned her memory. A smile cracked sharply through her impressed lips, as though a laugh would follow.
She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began to tell her story--
“I remember the beautiful summers. The sunsets, the beaches, and just being surrounded by lots of water,” reflected Nahomie when asked if she remembers her former home in Haiti.
Nahomie Bellevue is Haitian American. Her daughter, Johanne Bellevue, came to the U.S. three years ago, and her two sons, Brian Jean-Noel and Karmyne Noel are Americans by birth. The traditions and values Nahomie grew up with never left her. She teaches her children to understand the values, as a part of their family heritage and who they are.
"I remember as kids, the village kids would play among ourselves. During the events, we would all gather together around a bonfire and the adults would tell us stories," said Nahomie. "Stories of the history and the generations before us, and all of the things they went through. That's what we did as kids."
Nahomie and her children are living a good life in the U.S., though not a day goes by that she doesn’t think of Haiti and the childhood memories she wished her children could have shared. 
When Nahomie was a small girl, her mother and father left Haiti, relocating to America. They came to find work and to make a better life for their family, leaving Nahomie to be raised by her aunt in Haiti. After being separated from her parents, they sent for Nahomie to reunite with them in the U.S. when she was 13 years old. She was happy to arrive because she missed her parents, but the culture shock caused home sickness and fear to overwhelm her.
"In Haiti, the children are always out on the street or at the beach," explained Nahomie. "Once I reach America, everything changed. I was confined to the house a lot, because my parents were overprotective. I remember thinking "I left Haiti for this?'"
The chilling winter was a severe shock to Nahomie, because temperatures rarely get below 70 degrees in Haiti. "Haiti is tropical. It's hot, the sun is shining all year round," Nahomie said, raising her arms and expanding them, exemplifying sunshine. "Then I arrived in November. In December, it got very cold. I thought to myself, 'I don't know if I'm going to survive this.'"
Over time, Nahomie became settled in America. The family lived in Florida because of the beaches and the warm temperatures. “The beaches in Florida reminded me of Haiti,” admitted Nahomie. Most of her family now resides in Florida.
“One thing I like about America is the fact that you have your freedom,” said Nahomie.
As a girl in Haiti, the older women prepared the girls for marriage as soon as they were walking age. Girls were trained to be home makers, to cook and iron. The freewill to be a child and play outside all day was not a priority for Nahomie.
Nahomie said that she likes how women have more equality, especially because of the feminist movement. “It is really a man’s world in Haiti,” said Nahomie, "Women don't really have a say so about much. We just listened and followed instruction. If we didn't, the consequences of a disobedient female came pretty close to being charged for a vicious crime."
Being in the U.S. for over 20 years, Nahomie has been independent, and taught her children, especially her boys how to take care of themselves. The young men back in Haiti were not treated as harshly as the young women. “The brothers, they were put on pedestals!” exclaimed Nahomie. “I can still hear my parents saying ‘They are boys, they don’t need to do this and that.’”
Regardless of the traditions Nahomie grew up in, she taught her sons to cook and clean. Many young Haitian men grow up unable to take care of themselves without their mothers or sisters to help them. This is because they grew up sheltered. Nahomie did not want to punish her sons by sheltering them, disabling their ability to be independent strong men.  
            “I am proud to be an American,” said Brian, Nahomie’s oldest son. “I just wish I was more fluent in our language, however.”
            Brian Jean-Noel, like many children with International parents, grew up speaking English, and failed to learn the parents’ native language. The priority is English, because it is the most common American language, but the cultural importance of learning the native language is nearly forgotten.
            “Sometimes I feel like I’m missing a part of who I am because I can’t understand or speak the language,” said Brian. 
Johanne Bellevue grew up speaking Creole, one of Haiti’s two prominent languages. Johanne lived in Haiti until three years ago. She stayed with her father, Newton, who is Nahomie’s husband. Newton works frequently in Haiti, therefore, making it nearly impossible to be home with his family for months at a time.
“I am happy to be her in the U.S. with my step-mom and my brothers,” said Johanne. “Sometimes I feel like I just want to return home to see my family, my friends, and my country.”
Johanne gets homesick frequently, especially since her father is constantly away. She is learning to adapt in America, by working and taking classes at Maple Woods College.
            Nahomie sat up and begin to look around her home, smiling brighter than before. “I think I am very happy where I am in life,” she said. Nahomie works in Pharmaceutical Management, taking care of the household and children while her husband is away. Soon, Brian will be graduating from college in the medical field, Johanne will continue taking classes, and Karmyne will enter into High School and play Varsity football.
            “This place is where I came to be with my parents, raise my children, and advance in my career,” said Nahomie. “This is home.”

--posted April 18th

A Haitian Sunday (Video Feature)

Now things get deeper than before. Follow me as I follow Brian, Nahomie, Johanne and Karmyne through their Sunday.

It gets pretty crazy, so please bring ponchos with you. Ha-ha, just kidding.


 ...and let the fun begin! :-D

--posted April 25th

Project Conclusion: The Author's Reflection

        Over the past couple of months, my advanced reporting class began a reporting project in international studies. The project was broken into a series of miniature digital media projects. The assignment was to find a person, a family, or an organization with an international theme of some kind, and do a series of reporting using different multimedia platforms. We created blogs where we keep all of the miniature projects. I picked a Haitian family in North Kansas City. The family consists of the mother, Nahomie, the two sons, Brian and Karmyne, and the daughter, Johanne. My project introduced the reader to the Haitian family, about their culture how they balance two different cultures into their lives, and about where they are from and what their dreams are. My purpose for my project was to allow the reader to go deep in the lives of this family, and to see and understand a culture different from the American culture. It’s especially cool that the family is Haitian American, so the reader can see how the two culture inner mingle in this family.
            The project has several components. The first major component is the blog. I made a blog that attracts a general public and definitely showcases the family as the ultimate purpose for the blog. The second component is the narrative slideshow. I created a slideshow with pictures and my narration. This gave my reader a visual and a more effective introduction of the family. The third component is the podcast. I did an interview of the family members asking what the family is currently involved in as far as work, school, and etc. I also asked each member where they see themselves going in five years.
The purpose of this interview was to allow the reader to get to know the family beyond just a brief introduction and pictures. I wanted the reader to see their achievements and their goals. The next piece to the project was a feature writing piece. In this piece the mother Nahomie was the main voice. She gave me the background of her life in Haiti before arriving in the U.S., where she started her family and has her two sons, Brian and Karmyne. Johanne was born and raised most of her life in Haiti with her father, who was not home during the time of the project.
The father travels often and is rarely home. Nahomie also talked about pros and cons of her country and the U.S., which was an interesting interview, because it tells the reader not only about Haitian culture, but it gives the reader a new perspective on American culture. It broadens the thinking cap of the reader, which is excellent. The last parts to my project were to perform a social media blitz (a series of posts on different social media platforms) for a week-long period, create a video that reports or tells a story about the family, and them to reflect on the assignment overall. All of these things went onto my blog for the whole world to see.
            During the interviewing, reporting, and just visiting with the family felt awesome and weird at the same time. Brian, the oldest son, is a good friend of mine, but before the project, I haven’t visited with him and his family in about a year or two. I was happy because I got to catch up with a good friend and the family. It was a bit uneasy because I was following them around with cameras and recorders for a few weeks, which I know was new for them. Usually when I visit, we sit back and watch TV, this time, the family was on the “TV” in a sense. I had fun talking with the family. I especially liked beginning a part of the church service, enjoying the way they worship. The food part was bad either, that was an awesome privilege.
            This project has taught me to be bold, and just go for it. I was nervous about reporting on my friend and his family, but they were more than accommodating and very sweet. I appreciate them for everything they have done for me over the course of this assignment. I learned how to be patient and to just “go with the flow.” Sometimes things do not always work out the way you want them to, but as a reporter, I learned just move forward and make it work. Before this family, I tried to report on two or three or organizations. I couldn't give up, I just had to find plan B, C, and D until one worked. Lastly, this project taught me how to really care for others. This was more than a project to me. I had an opportunity to lift up someone else and get credit for it, and it’s a family I like, too! This project was fun, challenging, and worth all of the energy and effort. I am very pleased with the turnout, people really enjoyed my blog, and I wouldn't change much about it.

--posted May 6th